**update** no girls allowed… scissor sisters anyway.

update from mississippi, so the lesbian took her school to court with the help of the aclu and though the court couldn’t force the school to un-cancel their prom, but it was understood that there would be a parent organized prom that the lesbos would get an invite to.

guess what?  them chicks were had.  the shady ass parents of bumblefuckihatelesbos mississippi pulled a fast one on the oprah and gail of their town by having a secret prom.  the scissor sisters ended up at a prom at some country club with 7 people total and school staff supervising whilst everyone else prom’ed their brains out with their parents.  mind you, most of the 7 kids at the shitty prom had learning disabilities, so apparently, it was the night of their life… but are you fucking kidding me?  without a doubt, staff and parents did this on purpose… which leads me to ask… what the fuck kinda place is this?  seriously… girls shoulda read my original post and thrown they own party like i said, because this is some bullllllshit.  who wants to party with parents?  or school staff?  or assholes?  seriously.  grow a set kids… get a fake i.d. or something, because this shit is weak.  next time you want to have a kick ass party… leave a comment here, i’ll make sure you end up blacked out, face down in your own vomit.  we’ll make some memories.

~ by col.rice on April 9, 2010.

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